
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Week 3 Assignemnt 1 - Reflection 2 - Indepth Discussion on Weebly Websites

Technical Aspects & Exploration of Technology Demonstrated in Practice

I would like to start by saying how much FUN I have had making my website. I found the initial set up of picking a ‘Design’ to be very easy, including a very good number of options to suit a majority of tastes.   Weebly like all products are a little tricky in some places, however it is the easiest website building tool I have used.  I have had exposure to building websites before through a Queensland Cricket server as a local club representative and as an employee within the Central Queesland (CQ) region.

During my design process of the website I used the following technical aspects to produce my website. http://geoffjoyce.weebly.com/

Technical Aspects
Link to Website(s)
‘Embedded code’ & ‘Button’ Link to ICT’s
Tuxpi Photo Editor
Ms Paint
Voki design
‘Embedded code’ for ‘Fodey Ninja’
‘Button’ Link to Home
‘Embed Youtube’
‘Embedded code’ for ‘Fodey Movie clapper baord’
‘Button’ Link to Home
Set Up Wiki
‘Button’ Link Wiki
‘Embedded code’ for ‘Fodey Newspaper’
‘Button’ Link to Home
‘Embed Youtube’
‘Button’ Link Blog
Ms Paint to Create Screen capture from Voki
‘Button’ Link Home
‘Embedded code’ for a Voki
‘Button’ Link Voki
Create a Voki
Ms Paint to Create Screen capture from
‘Button’ Link Home
‘Embed Youtube’
Discussion Forum
Ms Paint to Create Screen capture from
‘Button’ Link Home
‘Embed Forum’
Ms Paint to Create Screen capture from
‘Button’ Link Home
Links to external sites
‘Embed Forum’
‘Embedded code’ for ‘Fodey Wizard’
‘Button’ Link to Home
‘Embed Contact’ & ‘Submit’

The PMI table below highlights the Pluses, Minuses and some Interesting observations I found creating a Weebly website.

Table 1: PMI creating a Weebly Website:                                              http://geoffjoyce.weebly.com/

Easy set up
Embedding into a set design
A number of Youtube clips created by users to help with embedding are using a different version of Weebly and/or Voki
Links to specific tutorials
How quickly your learners or friends can access all your work.  A one stop shop.
Formatting aspects of design
Looks great
A variety of Designs
Anyone can access your website
Great for sharing all social media through social icons
A one stop shop

Teaching Aspects & Linking this to the SAMR model.

In a previous blog I highlighted the link between Blooms Taxonomy, the SAMR model and how it linked to my activity task. http://geoffajoyce.blogspot.com.au/

I consider the website I developed to be a one stop shop for all my learners, as this will provide my learners with a basic easy to remember location.  The website allows learners to acquire the necessary tools to guide them in all the Key Learning Areas (KLA’s) throughout their primary school education, no matter what year level or topic I will be discussing with them throughout the year.  The website will provide all the necessary outlined information and links to supporting information and literature.  The website allows all students to gain the necessary knowledge and tools to establish their own ICT model, whether it be creating a website, through to finding my blog as the teacher.  Learners will have access to all these tools in one location.

The SAMR model and how it can relate to the classroom I will be facilitating?

I will start with using two KLA’s for my discussion.  The two areas will be Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s) and the second will be Geography.

Access website and discover the different pages.  Watch the Youtube video on the ICT’s page ‘21st Century Education’.
Access website and discover the different pages.  Watch the video on the ‘Videos’ page on Queensland Tourism ‘Where else’.
Go to the ‘comment’ page and send me a message saying “Hello Mr Joyce this is my email address”.
Go to the ‘Forum’ page and post a comment in five words or less “where in Queensland is the best place to go on a holiday”?
Take a photo of your favourite piece of technology. For example your tablet device.  Go to the ‘Blog’ page on the website and follow the link to my blog.  In 20 words or less Describe the picture in a comment on the blog.
Take a photo of your favourite holiday place in Qld. For example, Cairns. Go to the ‘forum’ page of the website and describe in 20 words or less your photo and why it’s such a great photo and include the name of the closest city.  For example Townsville.
Go to the ‘Voki’ page and follow the link to create your own Voki.  Have your voki describe the your favourite device and it’s 5 best features.  For example 1. Touchscreen 2. 10 inch 3. And so on… Embed your voki onto your classroom Blog.
Go to the ‘voki’ page on the website and follow the link to the voki page and create your own voki. Have your voki describe in 40 words why you think Qld is the best holiday destination in.  Embed your voki onto your classroom Blog.

In summary, I have created this page to educate myself in the learning process of ICT’s, however I see this process and the website in its current form to assist those who may not be so ICT minded.  For example, I have spent something like 8 hours putting this site together and the first thing I did was to send the link to family and friends for their feedback and thoughts.  I have already received replies (let’s call them learners) from my learners from the ‘Contact’ page and also directly to my email.  I have had one learner already use two of the tools from the ‘Fodley’ link provided in the ‘Link’ page of my website. 




1 comment:

  1. Well done Geoff. I know how long it takes to build websites and I appreciate the outstanding effort you have produced. You should be very proud of your efforts as there are many classroom teachers out there now who couldn't do what you have achieved.
    The hyperlinking, PMI voki and weebly website have demonstrated great technical ability. The curriculum link to geography was a good start.
    Overall an outstanding post.
