
Wednesday 5 March 2014

Linking Bloom's Taxonomy with SAMR model

In this blog I'm going to attempt to link Bloom's Taxonomy to the SAMR model by using a concept map I have developed (Geoff's ICT Concept Map). The concept map below has been created for two reasons.

Firstly to provide a visual example of the two ideas presented and how they link, and secondly to highlight how this activity as the learner works with the linking of these two concepts.  Before I explain the concept map I have developed I would like to share the source of my idea.  The following map has been developed by Kathy Shrock (2013) - www.schrockguide.net/samr.html 

Kathy Shrock has clearly linked the two concepts of Bloom's Taxonomy and the SAMR model demonstrating the two have a clear connection when considering a higher order of thinking through the use of Bloom's Taxonomy and how technology can be used by the learner in the SAMR model.

As outlined earlier I have decided to use this particular activity in  ICT's  to demonstrate how I used the above concept map from Shrock in creating my own concept map and the link they have to each other.  I have attempted to illustrate all the required steps in completing this activity.

Geoff's ICT Concept Map

Geoff's ICT Concept Map explained

Remembering => Substituion => I used my Laptop to access Moodle.  I then looked over the two concepts SAMR and Bloom's Taxonomy and read about the two.

Understanding & Applying => Augmentation => I used my Laptop to access Moodle for instructions on the activity about drawing it all together.  I used Google as a search engine to find evidence of drawing the two concepts together.  I found Kathy Schrock's concept map and used this as my primary source.

Applying, Analyzing & Evaluating => Modification => I once again used my Laptop to access Google as search engine on researching ways I could design my concept map and make functional improvements such as icon pictures for my map that best represented my learning and the process to add to the Kathy Schrock map. I made some modifications using mspaint and word.

Evaluating & Creating => Redefinition =>  I looked at ways other than ms paint and word to make my presentation more professional, however cost of new software along with my current skills as a learner need further developing.  The technologies and software applications I identified could have further enhanced my concept map, however further training would have been required.  I identified a number of items such as You tube, Microsoft apps, mind mapping tools, software packages to download, i Movie apps and Android apps.

I consider this process of using a concept map has given me an opportunity to explore these two concepts as a learner and understand how they apply in a practical sense.  The use of the Kathy Schrock map linking the two concepts allowed my understanding to be a next step process in applying my objective to illustrate my  map in relation to the set activity task for this ICT course.

1 comment:

  1. The visuals certainly strengthened the value of this post. The challenge is to make them big enough to be clearly seen by your visitors.
