
Wednesday 26 February 2014

Engagement Activity 3 - First Blog Post. Edutopia Reading

What struck me about the Edutopia reading?

The information that stuck with me or made it through my RAS filter were:

How the brain learns best and strategies to make learning stick.

Frequent Feedback from students

The use of all students using personalised whiteboards - open up the brain
Ask questions every few minutes in a 10 or 15 minute teaching block
Understand each students strengths
Use interactive and pair share
Create themes and events that are fresh (daily) and novel to cover KLA's.
Use ICT's such as websites like the 'Set Daily Puzzle' www.setgame.com/set/puzzle
Visualisation uses the same part of the brain that needs to perform the task the 
   complete or learn further about the task or subject ahead.

Implications for the classroom?

Parent perception of learnt outcomes
School and Curriculum guidelines/perceptions

Benefits by using ICT's in the classroom?

Covering a number of learning styles
Current information from many mediums off the web for example
Providing an opportunity for students to sustain attention through an exciting tool 
   such as the interactive smart board

1 comment:

  1. Excellent first blog post geoffery.
    Can I suggest you combine all the engagement activity responses into one post. This is because it is essential for you to provide a blog that id easy to navigate by visitors and when you work with your students you need some type of order with the posts.
    I will unpack this idea more in our classes if you remind me.
    Have you commented on any other blog posts?
    please do so if you can.
    looking forward to catching up.
