
Wednesday 9 April 2014

Week 7 - Reflective Synopsis

Reflective Synopsis

My background and current ICT experience
I began my ICT journey quite excited about the range of learning opportunities and tools I would come across to further develop my existing knowledge and skills.  I have been fortunate throughout my professional career with a variety of opportunities working in an industry that requires daily usage of ICT’s using office suite programs like Outlook and Power point, including Database platforms.  I have also used a variety of programs to plan sports programs, including session planning and design.  The digital tools I have explored and used within this ICT’s Learning and Design course have further developed my existing skills; however the surface has only been scratched.  I am excited with the prospect of developing my ICT skills, knowledge and understandings using a broader range of digital tools and applications further into my teaching career. 
ICT’s Learning Design has been fun, however like the classroom it has been a challenge.  Time management has been a real factor and something that took a while to master.  I do think each weekly task did creep into my time management of other courses within this Graduate Diploma, however I did find all topics we explored each week had relevance to other current courses.   I believe that ICT’s has an important role and place in the classroom; the challenge as I just mentioned is how as teachers do we best manage our time in planning, researching and apply these tools to the classroom, whilst providing positive outcome for all learners.

My ICT tool shop
I explored four digital tools as part of my assessment and posted blogs on each of these tools.  Throughout my blog I have demonstrated the use of these four digital tools with reference to the SAMR model as a framework for analysis and planning; further to this, in week two I looked at how Blooms Taxonomy’ and the SAMR model could be linked to identify a connection to higher order thinking using ICT’s.  http://geoffajoyce.blogspot.com.au/2014/03/linking-blooms-taxonomy-with-samr-model.html
The four digital tools I explored and created can be found on my blog page.  http://geoffajoyce.blogspot.com.au/ The SAMR model has been identifying within each blog and how each digital tool looks at SAMR.

  1. Weebly
2. Digital Video - GoAnimate
3. Prezi
4. Zooburst
I found all tools very useful and importantly I discovered all of them to be extremely beneficial for today’s 21st century learners and classrooms.  The Weebly for me was by far and away the best digital tool.  I stated in my blog http://geoffajoyce.blogspot.com.au/2014/03/week-3-indepth-discussion-on-weebly.html the Weebly website was something I saw as one stop shop for all my learners.  For example, I have links to all other tools on this website, thus allowing learners to know they have a clear map of where to access any information at anytime.  The Weebly as a central base provides learners with not only links to other tools; a Weebly caters for sharing of information that can be continually updated and a ‘how to’ resource for learners.
Legal, Safe and Ethical Practice
As a Pre-service teacher in primary schools it is my legal responsibility to be aware of my ethical responsibilities using digital tools online.  Be aware of the copyright rules and laws and act in an ethical manner.  A number of resources are available for teachers and/or public servants as a Queensland Education employee. 
Smart classroom for ‘Teachers’ website I found to be very useful and within this site links to other ICT learning’s. For example, the site had links to ‘Privacy Awareness Week’ and a ‘Creep quiz’ (listed below).
Smart Classroom - click on picture to visit site.
Awareness Week - click on picture to visit site
The Australian government also has an online safety website where it has endless links to using a variety of online mediums such as Facebook.  This site is great for Teachers, Students and Parents with easy accessible documents to save or print.
Online Safety - click on picture to visit site


Equally important is a safe online experience for learners, make them aware of what precautions and measures they need to take to protect themselves and others.  Provide students with information about being safe and responsible manner; allow students to discuss the topic and view literature and websites to scaffold their awareness and comprehension.  For example have the class take part in interactive websites like:
Creeps Online - Work through the interactive site and gain an understanding of the types of predators and or potential harm online.
Creeps Online - click on picture to visit site

FBI for kids
Gain an understanding of 'Stranger Danger' and identify safety tips to protect yourself and others.
Stranger Danger (FBI for Kids) - click on picture to visit site
The World Wide Web is exactly that; a web of information across the globe that can have enormous value for children and their education; then on the flip side the online environment can have a dangerous side to it where students could face:
  • Cyber bullying
  • Inappropriate material
  • Online predators (physical danger)
  • Offensive or hateful comments, and
  • Violent information or images.
Final thoughts
I have highlighted throughout each blog over the past six weeks how much enjoyment I have had exploring the digital tools in this course.  I have continually been aware of the effectiveness of ICT’s in the classroom, however with further understanding of linking the SAMR model in providing enhancement to my learners and then into the transformation of that information into ‘Modification’ and ‘Redefinition’ has truly opened my understanding in providing an effective 21st century classroom for today’s learners.  As a pre-service teacher and now moving into my first prac placement I look forward to incorporating what I have learnt over the past six weeks in line with my ‘Mentor Teacher’ (MT) to develop a pedagogy that will suit me as a learning facilitator and my students now and into the future.  





Sunday 30 March 2014

Week 6 Assignment 1 - Digital Technology 4 - ZooBurst

This week’s blog was supposed to be a ‘Museum Box’, well that was my plan.  I am now going to share with you my experience using a ‘ZooBurst’ instead.  My goal was to package my life journey (history) around this great nation we live in, Australia.  I have been fortunate to live, work and study across three states, three capital cities (Sydney, Canberra & Brisbane) and numerous townships.  The following ZooBurst ‘My Australian Tour’ presentation (digital popup book) attempts to provide you with a snap shot of my journey to date.


I stated earlier I wanted to use ‘Museum Box’, I so wished I had or could have for a better word.  I had an idea to create a History lesson and wanted to stay on that topic.  I discovered ZooBurst in our list of options and thought this would be the best option to cater for my set topic of History.  The presentation you just saw was my second attempt as my original book became in-depth (lots of me, me, me, look at me stuff) and something I thought became too personal for this audience. 

However, both works took some time to create and not the visual display I original hoped or set out to achieve.  I think you would agree that the book you just read in ZooBurst didn’t quite capture that visual bang, especially if you where to compare it to tools like Power point, Prezi and Glogster.  Overall I found ZooBurst not a great tool for a number of reasons which I will highlight further when I review ZooBurst in a Plus, Minus and Interesting table. 


The How, Who, What and Why of ZooBurst for this book?  I initially used a number of methods as follows:


Google Maps –

·       display a map as a popup in the book

·       provide a visual for the reader of the location and next port of call if you like, and

·       screen captured each map, opened and crop the map in Ms paint, saved the file as a JPEG image ready to embed or upload.


Google Images –

·       display a road sign with my information as an effective visual

·       save the image into Ms Paint ready to add text.

·       create text boxes in Ms Word and set colours to match sign, and

·       copy and paste formatted text boxes into road sign (Ms Paint) and save as a JPEG image ready to embed or upload.



Plusses, Minuses and Interesting

I have highlighted above some concerns I had using ZooBurst and I would like to now reflect on these using the following PMI table. 

Table 1: PMI using Zooburst:                            

Easy set up
Time consuming with styling
Import Power point
3D digital popup book
Visual display lacks clarity and quality
If you have a camera installed experience any ZooBurst in Augmented Reality.
Upload your own pictures or art
Only 10 page book on trial version
 School Licence for multiple users
A variety of Designs
 Text for each image needs to be selected
 Classroom management functions
Anyone can create a video - tutorials if required
 School licence requires a minimum of 5 licences at $29.99 each
 iPad or PC compatible
Easy sharing
Rotate your view in 3D
Sound and voice for characters


SAMR model  - ZooBurst

ZooBurst provides learners of all ages the opportunity and tools to create and experience a 3D story using a popup book format.  ZooBurst provides the necessary digital tools for learners to take part as the creator or the audience.

Let’s take a look at the following SAMR table and look at how ZooBurst can potentially impact on a students learning in a positive manner.  I will use the example of a History lesson where I would ask my year 5 class to provide a 10 page maximum ZooBurst popup book on their own education history.  Each student will need to dedicate at least 1 page to each year (Prep – Year 5) which may include Kindergarten.


Learners visit ZooBurst Website and view other books for examples and inspiration for their story.
Students log in and set up their book.
Learners enter text and images into their pages
Learners present and share their story with the class.

I enjoyed playing around with the ZooBurst product; however I didn’t capture its true potential due to a number of reasons which include my book design and access privileges.   However in saying that ZooBurst does have potential to be an effective digital tool in the 21st classroom.  Zooburst and other digital technologies will require me as a Pre-service Teacher and classroom facilitator in the future to expand my experience with products like ZooBurst, and even those products I perceive to be more suited to ICT’s KLA’s in my classroom.






Thursday 27 March 2014

Week 5 Assignment 1 - Digital Technology 3 - Prezi

Hi and welcome to my week 5 blog.  This week I have put together a ‘Prezi’ to share with colleagues.  Prezi is a digital tool that allows presenters to engage and captivate their audience through strong visual themes using photos, videos and amazing colours.

Source: Prezi.com

1.   I previously facilitated Community Coach Training Programs (CCTP) for the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) Active-after School Communities (AASC) program where I presented their ‘CHANGE IT’ philosophy using ‘PowerPoint’.  Prezi has enabled me to further explore and change the concept in my own interpretation that is worded more closely to all facilitators, other than just coaches.  Prezi has enabled me as a presenter to highlight and target each aspect (letter of the acronym) of the ‘CHANGE IT’ philosophy to make the message clearer. 
 For Example this is a copy of the AASC ‘CHANGE IT’ diagram pasted into a Power Point presentation.



 Source: Australian Sports Commission, AASC program

2.   In our Pedagogical content Knowledge course last week a discussion in class provided a spark within me to write something down in my notepad about ‘CHANGE IT’ and how I could apply it as a Pre-serive teacher.  The Prezi you have just viewed is a result of that.


3.   The ‘CHANGE IT’ philosophy is one of the best tools I have used as a facilitator and as an educator of young children.  I thought sharing this great tool with those of you who may not have had the chance to see or use it previously.   Those of you whom have seen or used ‘CHANGE IT’ previously may now re-interrupt the philosophy and relate to the “changes” I have made.



I found Prezi to be a great tool, however like all new things it takes a little time to find your bearings.  I remember going to Youtube and entering Prezi in and watching the official Prezi tutorial and from then I was captivated by the visual wonder.  I immediately decided that Prezi was the perfect medium to present my adaptation of the ‘CHANGE IT’ philosophy.   


Plusses, Minuses and Interesting

I have listed below a number of items about the Prezi when looking through a PMI perspective.  I consider the Prezi to be highly valuable in facilitating any type of lesson or workshop to all learners of any age. 

Table 1: PMI creating a Prezi:                            

Easy set up
Possibly cost, however $159US is reasonable for the product
This product is marketed towards business for presentations
Convincing your organisation it’s a product that will pay for itself over free Power Point software.
How quickly anyone can create an amazing presentation.
Looks great
A variety of Designs
Anyone can create a video - tutorials if required
Great for sharing and creating ideas
endless topics and KLA's

SAMR model  - Prezi

Prezi as a digital tool captures learners through the amazing colours and visuals.  Prezi in my opinion provides a clear pathway into the SAMR model of ‘Enhancement’ and Transformation’ in two ways.  Firstly it captures the facilitator, in this case me to demonstrate the effectiveness of the product and how it can provide the necessary tools to present my message clearly, professionally and visually stimulating.  Secondly, Prezi provides learners with the opportunity to learn about a particular topic, including an opportunity to possibly use Prezi in presenting their work back to the facilitator.  For example a student might submit an assessment item using a Prezi presentation.  

Let’s take a look at the following SAMR table and look at how Prezi provided me and the learner with the opportunity to further enhance and transform our knowledge.

Table 2: SAMR  Prezi:   

Watch a Youtube official tutorial video on using Prezi.
Learners watch the presentation.
Use Prezi product and tools to enter presentation information.
Students follow the presentation and are able to zoom in on a specific point or topic for further comprehension. 
 Select and/or design a theme. Modify content to suit the overall presentation and design.
Learners are able to acquire information on the topic, then go away and present their findings using a Prezi. 
Create features to your presentation that enhance the visual appeal through the use of a mind map and photos, music or videos in the one display.
Learners are able to incorporate the Prezi product into their own presentations and assessment displays.

I had a great time putting this presentation together.  Prezi provided me with a new and exciting tool to develop my thoughts on a concept that I have previously delivered and facilitated for many learners over a number of years.  I think the Prezi product has provided me with an insight into my interests as a contemporary learner, whilst at the same time providing an impressive visual and informative presentation that caters for the 21st century learner.  Prezi is now added to my list of tools I look forward to using again and again.

